Business & Corporate Law

Protecting Your Business

Solving Corporate Legal Problems

Understanding our clients’ present business environment and concerns allows us to work as a team member in planning for a successful future.

The firm of Costello Sury & Rooney. has extensive experience in representing corporate clients. The corporate practice focuses on serving the individual and specific needs of each of its business clients. We recognize that all businesses are unique and as such have specific needs for legal representation. As such, we serve our corporate clients by helping them anticipate future legal issues and plan for a response to those issues.

The practice includes assisting in selecting the type of entity under which to operate, whether that be a C-Corporation, S-Corporation, Limited Liability Company, or partnership. We work with business owners in the preparation of agreements relative to the formation of the business, including drafting operating agreements, by-laws, partnership agreements, shareholder agreements and buy-sell purchase agreements.

Our practice recognizes that representation of a business is a dynamic process which may change and vary as the business grows and expands. Accordingly, we serve our clients by analyzing their current business structure including employment issues, stock sales, assets sales and purchases, obtaining financing and funding for business operations and to dissolution. Understanding our clients’ present business environment and concerns allows us to work as a team member in planning for a successful future.

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